The Ghost Village of Imber

Imber, Warminster SN10 5UB, UK

A small village on Salisbury Plain, Imber was evacuated in 1943 to allow 150,000 men to train for D-Day. The villagers received no compensation and their once thriving community was broken up. Despite promises from the MOD, they were never allowed to return home. Today the village is still used by the army for training, and is only accessible to the public for a few days of the year. It is a fascinating yet bleak place and well worth a visit if you get the chance.
Quick Visiting Facts:
Venue Type:
Adult Ticket Price:
Children's tickets/concessions available?
Opening Times:
NB. Opening times can often vary from those shown due to events, lockdowns or seasonal changes. Always check the official website before setting out.
Refreshments on site:
Pushchair/wheelchair accessibility:
Ease of access by public transport from
Historic site
See website
Tea in the church
Car only
Ways to see for free?
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