About Us
We are a motley selection of writers, artists and creators, writing about places we know and love. Our priority is to help others discover the joys of slow travel, focusing on staying and eating locally, while finding the hidden, quieter corners of a local community.
Slow Travel was started by Sarah in September 2020, after a couple of years writing for a historical travel guide, putting her MA in Archaeology to good use. Realising that just focusing on historical sites wasn't a very holistic approach to travel, she started Slow Travel to help people get the most from their whole trip, and to encourage people to avoid the multi-national corporations, who are already rich enough...
Kate is a retired history teacher who now spends her time travelling, walking, cycling and exploring. She has been writing all her life and is now happy to share her extensive knowledge with Slow Travel's readers.

Amy is our Social Media Manager and photographer - you can see some of her amazing photography on her online portfolio

Anna runs her own writing business at Committed to Words, and in her spare time writes some wonderfully reflective travel articles based on her walks in her local area for us. Find out more about her on her Author page

Work With Us
Want to join the team? We can’t (currently) afford to pay, but if you have always wanted to see your writing/photos/illustrations online and they align with the Slow Travel ethos, then please get in touch.
Articles about great places you have been that aren’t over commercialised tourist traps, fantastic walks you have been on, local shops or restaurants you have tried that deserve some recognition, then get in touch.
Articles/photos must be your own and not published anywhere else online. They may be edited if necessary, but all writing styles are welcome. Your submissions will be credited to you and you will retain the copyright.
Tourist boards, DMO's, Independently owned businesses
We visit destinations as the guest of tourist boards, and use our time there visiting places on which to base our guides. If you fit with the Slow Travel ethos, please do get in touch to see how we can work together.
We look forward to hearing from you!
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